Mental Health Problems and Solutions

      Mental Health


This happened one morning in April during the students' morning exercise at Nguyen Khuyen High School. Teachers found a student crouching on the roof of a four-story school building, and teachers and classmates were urging him to enter the building quickly. The student, who had been standing precariously on the roof, thought silently, smiled and cried, and eventually jumped off the roof. She was taken to hospital, but unfortunately died.

I recently found out about this after reading an article by Duy Khang in Tuoi Tre News. Although advances in scientific knowledge and technology are taken for granted, it is not enough to accurately recognize and interpret events through articles that people check electronically. Most people fell asleep or started their morning peacefully without realizing that this had happened, but hearing about this death would not have made them feel at ease.

People with mental health problems are usually isolated and lonely. Depending on the culture, mental health problems can mean weakness, and sometimes shameful problems can be a disgrace to families. They do not share their condition because they believe it could adversely affect the future of the individual or family, and they are reluctant to seek professional help.

Mental health problems are one of the leading causes of the social and economic burden of disease worldwide. Depression is considered the second leading cause of disability worldwide and is also a leading cause of suicide and ischemic heart disease.

According to data provided by the United States Association for Mental Illness, one-fifth of adults living in the United States have experienced a mental health problem. However, it was found that only 41% of them received treatment. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds in the United States, consistent with the UK survey.

Although it is difficult to find many data in Vietnam compared to other developed countries, data from the Ministry of Health last year showed that 15% of Vietnam's population had mental health problems caused by stress, of which only one-fifth received treatment.

Mental Health Association Director Dr. Nguyen Doan Phuong reported through Vietnam News in September 2018 that more than 28 million Vietnamese have mental health problems, one-third of whom are younger generations. said. In Vietnam, awareness of mental health issues is growing and more and more people are starting to see a psychiatrist each year for treatment.

By recognizing your mental health problems and seeking help, you can avoid being trapped in loneliness. When a system for mental health is in place, problems can be prevented in advance. Patients and their families can turn to specialists to learn about their condition, actively manage their mental health and get the right treatment at the right time. Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Confusion or difficulty concentrating.
  • Feeling sad and down
  • Confusion or difficulty concentrating.
  • Extreme anxiety, fear, guilt
  • sudden emotional change
  • Extreme anger, hostility, violence
  • Difficulty coping with daily problems or stress
  • Inability to participate in friendships or activities.
  • Extremely tired and powerless.
  • I have trouble sleeping.
  • Changes in eating habits
  • far from reality
  • paranoia
  • hallucination
  • abuse of alcohol and drugs
  • changes in sexual desire
  • suicide desire

These symptoms may indicate a psychiatric condition, such as a mood disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, or mental illness. If these symptoms are recognized right away, they can be effectively treated with psychiatric treatment, medications, lifestyle changes, and additional support.

It's also important to talk about how you can take care of your own mental health and how friends and family can help each other. Mental health is a valuable asset that deserves attention and care. Mental health problems don't mean weakness, it's nothing to be ashamed of. It is a sign of difficulty, uncertainty, fear, pain, loneliness, loss.

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